Sunday, April 3, 2011

About Me

My name is Becky and I'm a first year student here at OSU.  I came in torn between majoring in biology vs fine arts, but ended up choosing biology.  After last quarter though, I've started to rethink that decision and am now considering changing my major and probably getting a minor in design.  I'm also obsessed with spanish and am working towards getting a minor in that and hopefully being fluent by the time I graduate.  Outside of school, I'm involved in a greek organization on campus and am the sustainability chair for my dorm.  I love running and yoga, but I also just enjoy being active in general.  I'm a vegetarian and staying healthy is pretty important to me.  I'm originally from south western ohio and have an older brother and sister who both graduated from OSU.  My family also includes my parents and the cutest dog in the world- a schnauzer-poodle mix named Lilly.

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