Sunday, April 17, 2011


I thought Erica's Course Reflection 01 blog was really interesting because she tied in aspects from her other classes that related to design.  I never would have thought that Industrial and Systems Engineering would have anything to do with design, but apparently they actually have a lot in common, which just shows even more how the field of design is way broader than I had ever imagined when I signed up for this course. 

One of Lindsay's designer blogs was really interesting for me because she wrote about Milton Glaser who designed many logos and posters that I have seen but never known who created them (specifically the I *heart* NY logo and the Bob Dylan poster).  It was just interesting to go to her blog and almost immediately see images that are so familiar and to finally know where they came from and who made them. 

I also liked her Frank Lloyd Wright blog because I had considered researching him, but chose not to, so it was interesting to see the images of his architecture that she chose.

When visiting Jonathan's blog it was definitely obvious that he knew a lot more about how to set up a blog than I do!  First of all, he had a link to his brother's mixtape (I would have no idea how to link that without including the whole html)  and he also set up his 10 design photos as a gallery instead of just putting all 10 straight on his blog, which I also thought was cool.  Jonathan was also able to show his personality a lot in his blog, which made it enjoyable to read and made it seem less stiff and recited.  Jonathan's blog has kind of inspired me to try to add a little more of my own personality to my blog too!

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