Monday, April 11, 2011

J02: Found Patterns

1.  Tree Bark.  I really liked the colors and the shapes here.  The greenish tint of the moss and the almost orangey-brown of the actual bark was really pretty and the organic shapes are fun and expressive.  I'm a big fan of either really organic shapes or really structured repetitive patterns.  This is one of my favorite examples of organic shapes and colors, I also like how the pattern is fairly subtle.

2. Stairs.  These stairs are in my dorm and every time I walk down them the pattern formed by the individual steps and the metal plate on each step fascinates me.  I'll probably end up falling down them at some point because of it.  But the pattern ends up being a kind of stripe with each stripe getting thinner, I just really like it. 

3.  Metal grate.  This pattern is similar to the stairs, and these grates are on a lot of the doors in my dorm.  I really like the crispness of the lines in this and how the shadows create more definition between each strip of metal.  The whole thing is the exact same color but the way the light hits it creates the stripes, which I think is cool.  

4.  Granite bench.  Here is another example of very organic shapes.  This granite is on a bench by the south oval and the color is a little distorted in this picture, but it is a really pretty neutral green.  I like this pattern because of the organic shapes but also because of the repetition of the shapes. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I'm a little OCD because all of my patterns are either repetitive or very crisp...

5.  Mulch/Dirt.  This is just a picture of an area of mulch by some flowers.  I'm not sure what exactly drew me to it, but I do like the way the separate pieces of mulch in this picture are layered on top of each other so much that they form a cohesive mass. I also really like the subtlety of the color and pattern. 

 6.  Wooden ramp.  This is a close-up picture of a wooden ramp by south oval.  I really really love the pattern formed by the rings in the wood.  To relax or when I'm bored I always draw swirls or organic shapes and keep outlining them and adding more origin points until the whole page is covered. This pattern reminds me of those drawings and it's kind of calming because of that.  The neutral color of the wood is also very soothing.


7. Brick Wall.  This is a picture of one the brick buildings on south campus.  In this pattern I like the contrast between the brick and the mortar and the crispness of the lines.  I also like the repetitiveness of the pattern and it's subtleness. 

8. Textured Wall.  This is a close-up of a wall in my dorm, it is made-up of those big bumpy bricks.  I dislike the look of the wall as a whole, especially since it is a dingy white/gray color, but I do really like the look of the close-up of the bricks.  It's probably the repetitive organic shapes again, but I'm a big fan of the pattern, the color could still use some work.

9.  Grapefruit.  I cut my grapefruit in half and noticed the shape formed by the cross sections, it's almost like a starburst or a simple drawing of a sun.  The vibrant colors also add to the pattern and make it more fun (unlike the previous pattern with the dull white).

10. Carpet.  This is a small section of the carpet that goes throughout my dorm. What I really like about the carpet is the pattern within a pattern thing that's going on.  The colors form their own pattern, but the carpet fibers form different patterns within the color blocks, like the vertical vs horizontal strips, or the diagonal wiggles in the light green square.  The amount of detail in each part makes the carpet really interesting but it's subtle enough that you never really notice unless you study it.

1 comment:

  1. I like your picture of the tree bark! It looks really cool.
