Monday, May 2, 2011

J05: Peer Dialog

Erica L:

I always enjoy reading Erica's blog because she tends to make connections to her engineering classes and shows how the design process is one that is applicable to many other areas of study.  I thought it was interesting that her engineering class had watched the "Deep Dive", proving how much the two departments really are related.   I also agreed with her blog about the environmentally friendly products, that was my favorite class too.  I have always been passionate about finding ways to get people clean water, so the Life Saver Bottle was something I found very exciting.


Jonathan's blog still impresses me with its creativity.  He has links on it to other projects he's been working on and by going through everything you can definitely learn about what he is interested in.  He had his letterform post up and the pictures he found were really good. Even without having any of the letters listed under the pictures, I was able to tell which letters almost all of the pictures were representing.  


I really liked some of Lindsay's found faces, especially the last one of binoculars at Niagara Falls.  I also noticed how detailed all of her posts were.  She does a really good job of including a lot of information in her posts and really explaining what she thinking.  In her CR02 she mentioned something that I found very true, she said that she liked how we walked around campus to see the buildings and learn about OSU's architectural history rather than just sit in a class and talk about it.  I think the hands-on qualities of this class are making the information seem much more relevant to our lives rather than just a lecture about history and buildings.  

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