Sunday, May 15, 2011


I've really enjoyed reading Cradle to Cradle so far.  The other day I sat outside and read it, and even though I was hot and sweaty I didn't have to worry about messing up the book because it is waterproof!  I think the way the authors present the information is interesting and holds your attention a lot better than Design: A Very Short Introduction did.  I actually keep thinking about some of what I've read, like when I was using my blow-drier and started thinking about all the chemicals it was probably pumping into the air that I was then breathing.  Pretty disturbing stuff.  But I also thought the history behind how the industrial revolution occurred and shaped our current system was interesting, even if it made me a little angry.  I really agree with the message the authors are trying to get across in the book about how we need to start producing products that are sustainable in every way and that don't include any aspects that can indirectly harm the consumers.

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